We understand our work as an ongoing, animated and very personal dialogue with the spine itself and with you, the medical experts.
We are looking forward to getting to know us personally at national and international events. Thanks to our many years of experience and extensive expertise, as well as your suggestions from surgical practice and many immensely motivating ideas, we can quickly turn new requirements into reliable products of the highest quality. A perfect, personal exchange at the highest level and the result of a good cooperation.
SIGNUS Congress includes all events in Germany and abroad in which we participate or are exhibitors. Every year you will find us at EUROSPINE, NASS (North American Spine Society) and the DWG (Annual Conference of the German Spine Society). You will also meet us at many other national and international events, such as the NSA (Neurosurgical Society of Australasia) and the SSA (Spine Society of Australia). We look forward to seeing you again – our customers, surgeons and distributors! Get to know us and our products personally!
You can find more information on our event overview. SIGNUS Congress is highlighted in grey.
Participation in international congresses like EUROSPINE and NASS
Exhibitor at the DWG (German Spine Society)
Further national and international events, such as NSA (Neurosurgical Society of Australasia), SSA (Spine Society of Australia)
Advantages SIGNUS Congress
Clinic Management & Strategic Purchasing
Clinical management and strategic purchasing play a very important role in our processes at SIGNUS. We are always open to exchange with you - successful together! At congresses and trade fairs - in Germany and internationally - we can get to know each other personally. We look forward to meeting you!
Surgeons & Medical Experts
We understand our work as an ongoing, animated and veery personal dialogue with the spine itself, the medical experts and surgeons. We would be pleased to present SIGNUS, our knowledge and our product portfolio to you personally at the next event.
Our Employees & Distributors
Only those who devote themselves to their specialization – in our case spinal surgery – with great passion and explore it more deeply every day, will find solutions that truly convince the surgeons and improve the quality of life of patients. We personally present our company "Made in Germany" and our product portfolio at events worldwide.